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How to Automate Your WhatsApp API

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July 31, 2024

5 min read

How to automate WhatsApp messages with WhatsApp API? 

The WhatsApp Business App can only send farewell and greeting messages and has limited automation capabilities. When compared to the WhatsApp Business App, the WhatsApp Business API offers a lot more capabilities and benefits. 

You can automate welcome and farewell messages, respond to often asked inquiries, set up live chat and payment reminders, give delivery updates, discounts, and offers, get feedback, and more with the WhatsApp Business API.

Automate Greeting Messages

When a client interacts with your business for the first time, you can automatically send greeting messages by subscribing to a trustworthy WhatsApp Business API provider.
You can include dynamic variables in the greeting message, such as the customer’s first name, by using the WhatsApp API. By doing this, you’ll be able to develop a feeling of attachment and trust with the client.

Automate Replies to FAQs

Consumers expect prompt responses to their inquiries and prompt problem-solving. Quick answers to frequently asked queries by clients can be set up with WhatsApp Business API.
Your agents would save time and effort by not having to respond to the same questions over and over again. With the WhatsApp Business API, you can write responses and update them at any time.

Automate WhatsApp Notifications

You can send notifications about appointments, payment dues, service requests, invoice information, delivery status, and order-related status updates using WhatsApp Business API. Doing so helps businesses enhance customer experience.
Studies show that customers tend to open and read WhatsApp messages more quickly than they do so with emails. So, sending status updates through WhatsApp will help them stay updated.
Customers are less likely to inquire about order and status updates when communications and alerts are automated. This also reduces the workload for customer service representatives.

Live Chat Using Chatbots

When it comes to customer happiness, live chat surpasses emails and other channels with a 73% increase in engagement. Business solution providers assist you in developing chatbots that allow you to automate human-like, first-hand responses to sales and consumer inquiries. Thus, enabling you to provide round-the-clock client service by using chatbots.

Chatbots can be used to respond to consumer inquiries, get feedback, offer tailored product suggestions, handle sales inquiries, and more. Chatbots are a great way to improve customer satisfaction while also increasing agent productivity.

Automate Promotional Messages

With WhatsApp Business API, you can easily share offers, discounts, and other promotional messages. By doing this, you can easily loop in both active and inactive consumers and keep them informed.

Automate Sales Process

You may create bots and automate the whole sales process and flow with WhatsApp API. You can help the consumer select the necessary products, show off the product catalog, and enable speedy checkout.

Set Away Messages

When a consumer visits your business outside official business hours, you may use the WhatsApp Business API to set away messages, just like with the WhatsApp Business App. You can personalize the message by adding dynamic factors, such as your name, and let the clients know when you will be available to answer their questions.


Businesses can improve customer happiness, increase efficiency, and streamline communication with WhatsApp automation. Businesses can also save time, boost engagement, and boost income by automating processes like order updates, welcome greetings, and payment reminders.
Adopting WhatsApp automation gives businesses a competitive edge in today’s market, stronger client relationships, and round-the-clock communication. WhatsApp automation has many advantages that make it a useful tool for businesses of all sizes trying to streamline their processes and provide outstanding customer service.

Frequently Asked Questions

With WhatsApp Business API, you can automate greeting messages, FAQ replies, notifications, live chat, promotional messages, and the sales process.

You can use WhatsApp Business API to send automated greeting messages to new clients, incorporating dynamic variables like the customer’s name to personalize the interaction.

Automated notifications can include appointment reminders, payment dues, service requests, invoice updates, delivery status, and order-related updates.

Chatbots can handle inquiries, provide feedback, suggest products, and manage sales, offering 24/7 support and improving customer satisfaction while increasing agent efficiency.

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