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Comparing WhatsApp APIs with Other Communication Channels for Businesses

Planning Pays Off: 5 Strategies to Get the Most Out of Your Delivery Speed Choice

June 10 , 2024

6 min read


Today businesses revolve around customer support and strive for perfection. Business leaders have acknowledged and welcomed technology into various customer support channels, for example depending on channels like WhatsApp Business API.
However, most leaders prefer to stick to traditional modes or other modes of customer support, for example, sending an SMS or customer calls.
WhatsApp Business API is one of the most advanced features that helps businesses with 24/7 accessibility and instant messaging. Undoubtedly, it offers modern and instant ways for businesses to communicate with their consumers, but of course, it comes with an extra cost compared to traditional sources, which are either free or cost nominally.
Here is a guide that analyzes the meaning, features, strengths, and weaknesses of both WhatsApp APIs and traditional customer support. This will help you make your choice according to your individual needs and preferences.

Features of the WhatsApp Business App

  • It provides visibility and allows setting business working hours to inform users of availability.
  • You can set automated predefined messages during non-operating hours
  • Businesses can use it to showcase products and services to customers as they can send images, documents, audio, and video, and share contact and location information.
  • It is most beneficial in the shipping and delivery section of businesses, wherein consumers are immediately informed about their packages and delivery estimate time.

Pros and Cons of WhatsApp Business API

Here’s a look at its benefits and drawbacks:

Pros of WhatsApp APIs

The WhatsApp Business API is increasingly popular for business communication because of the following benefits:

  • Automated messaging reduces workload and speeds up response times.
    Personalized communication encourages better relationships with customers.
  • WhatsApp is widespread, which makes it easier for businesses to reach a broad audience.
  • This resource comes with an end-to-end encryption that guarantees secure and private messaging.
  • Businesses can collaborate with the best WhatsApp API provider and get the service to share multimedia-rich messages
  • It is integrated with social media platforms, which boosts audience interactions and extends reach.

Cons of WhatsApp APIs

  • Its implementation can be expensive, and leaders may require technical expertise.
  • The approval process is lengthy and complex, as it asks for detailed business information and adherence to strict guidelines. A reliable and expert WhatsApp API provider can help you with such technicalities.
  • Users must opt-in to receive messages, which can deter or limit reach compared to other channels.
  • WhatsApp Business API’s availability is restricted to selected countries, and businesses must adhere to strict guidelines and WhatsApp’s data privacy policies
  • Messages should be customer-centric and non-promotional, and the feature comes with limits on messaging frequency and volume.
  • Last, but not the least, a stable internet connection is essential for using WhatsApp Business API effectively.

About Traditional Customer Support Channels

Traditional customer support methods are known for their reliability, human touch, and personal connection. Speaking with a person can create trust in a business. For example, United Airlines saw improved customer satisfaction when they reintroduced personal interaction into their customer service after using fully automated systems.
These channels offer multiple support channels, such as email, phone, live chat, and social media, which helps customers to reach out:

Pros of Traditional Customer Support Channels

Traditional customer support channels remain vital for businesses due to their established reliability and personal touch. Here are the primary benefits:
Customers can easily reach businesses through phone calls and emails, even without internet access.
Direct communication with a live person provides a personal touch.
Written documentation offers clarity and accountability.
These channels require minimal procedures, laws, guidelines, and technological knowledge, which makes them user-friendly across all demographics.

Cons of Traditional Customer Support Channels

Traditional customer support channels also have several drawbacks:

  • Traditional channels often involve lengthy wait times, leading to customer frustration.
  • These channels operate within fixed hours, which can reduce business and client accessibility.
  • Traditional methods offer fewer opportunities to gather detailed insights about customer preferences and needs.
  • Maintaining traditional support infrastructure, such as call centers, demands huge investments.
  • These limitations can hinder a business’s ability to provide timely and personalized customer support.

Wrapping Up

Traditional customer support channels indeed offer reliability, personal interaction, and simplicity. However, they also come with limitations, such as high costs and limited accessibility.
Considering the advantages of integrating technology into customer service using WhatsApp Business API can help businesses offer a comprehensive and effective customer support experience.
When deciding whether to use WhatsApp Business API or traditional customer support channels, consider several key factors. Using a hybrid model can cater to your target audience who seek instant and effective responses.
If you are looking for a reliable logistic partnership with the best WhatsApp API provider, choose Shipyaari. It comes with advanced technology integration, specialized shipping options, and industry-tailored solutions. You can also use Shipyaari Delta to send automated WhatsApp communications to your end customers.
Try out a demo for free today to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions

WhatsApp Business API is about communicating with consumers and the target audience using WhatsApp. Traditional customer support channels like phones and SMSs offer personalized support but come with longer response times. Both have their features, pros, and cons.

WhatsApp Business API offers:

  • Instant messaging
  • Faster response times
  • Options to share multimedia with consumers
  • Provides a more personal communication style.

Businesses using WhatsApp automated messages can handle commonly asked questions and free up their customer support staff.

No, WhatsApp APIs come with limited or no usage in some countries. You must check the available regions before using WhatsApp Business API

The cost of using both channels can vary based on the business’s specific needs and usage. WhatsApp Business API may come with an initial charge or investment, which can be a little expensive for small businesses.
However, initiating and maintaining call centers under traditional customer support channels or hiring social media experts also comes with high costs.

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