Author Archives: Suniti Shenoy

Amazon’s Brand Registry: Protect Your Brand And Enrich Customer Trust

Introduction  Standing out while guarding your individuality is challenging in this overly grabby and pushy

How to Calculate Accurate Shipping Costs for Your Online Business? 

Introduction As the world of online business ideas continues to expand, entrepreneurs face a significant

Unlocking Success: How Subscription Models Models Drive Revenue in E-commerce

Introduction  Subscription business models are transforming the e-commerce landscape. It involves users paying recurring fees

5 Common Shipping Mistakes Ecommerce Businesses Make & How To Avoid Them

Introduction  Shipping methods have a significant impact on whether an online retail business succeeds or

7 Cost-Effective Marketing Strategies For Small E-commerce Indian Businesses

Introduction  At present, over 12 lakh sellers use Amazon India, and over 40 lakh small businesses have

9 Essential Hacks to Drive Sales for Indian Brands

Introduction  An adequate sales strategy is necessary for a decadent, dynamic, and diverse market like

3 Ways to Improve Customer Experience in eCommerce

Introduction An eCommerce business can reach long-term and resolute success only through successful customer retention.

The Growth of logistics business in India

Introduction  Numerous economic activities have seen significant changes due to the pandemic, and logistics is

AWB Numbers Unveiled: A Comprehensive Guide for Shippers and Receivers

Introduction A seamless and effective supply chain is dependent on effective shipment monitoring in the

APIs Explained: How They Shape the Digital Landscape

Introduction Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, have become essential building blocks in the constantly changing