Tailored Bulk Shipping with Partial Load Transport
Optimize Bulk and B2B Shipping with part truck load services
Optimize Bulk and B2B Shipping with part truck load services
Now, with Shipyaari’s partial load transport services you can conveniently book part of the truck that you will actually use. This service plays a crucial role in optimizing bulk shipping operations by providing tailored transportation solutions for businesses. Instead of booking an entire truck full when you do not have enough cargo to fill it with but end up paying for the entire truck, you can now avail this flexible, cost-effective, and efficient transport option.
Our focus is on leveraging part load transport service to cater to varying shipment sizes, ensuring optimal utilization of truck capacity while offering cost-effective shipping solutions.
Ensure cost optimization by transporting varying load sizes without the expense of hiring an entire truck.
Flexibility in shipping for businesses dealing with smaller quantities or irregular shipments.
Efficient utilization of truck space, minimizing wastage, and reducing overall shipping costs.
Customized logistics solutions catering specifically to varying load sizes, offering flexibility in shipping operations and optimizing truck space.
Yes. You can sign up with Shipyaari for free. All you have to do to start shipping is recharge your wallet and you’re ready to go.
To add a B2B order on the Shipyaari dashboard, simply follow these steps:
1) Login to your Shipyaari account and click on “”Orders”” > “”B2B””
2) Add Pickup, Delivery, and Product details. Please note that entering the GST number is mandatory in B2B shipping.
3) Select a Service Type
4) Click on “”Add Order”” and you will get the Order ID and Tracking ID
Additionally, you can refer to this tutorial.
Tracking your shipments is easy with Shipyaari:
A) Visit www.shipyaari.com and click on the “”Track Order”” option to enter your AWB Number/Order ID to check the current status of your shipment.
B) Alternately,
– Log in to your account.
– Click the “Tracking” icon on the top right of the dashboard.
– Put in the AWB number/ Tracking number, you want to track.
– You will be able to see the current status of all your orders.
For further queries, connect with us at care@shipyaari or call us on +91 9136996666.